14. I remember them sincerely who give shelter
to longings that can never fulfill.
Human beings long for any number of things. No need to list them. We all know what they are. The question is what happens to these longings as the influence of the Galactic Mind takes hold of one’s human experience? First, should the Galactic Mind open up a channel between it and you, it does not want to make any changes in your human life. It will not drag you to the top of the mountain so that you can announce its presence. The Galactic Mind wants your life to be exactly as it is. Your longings do not go away. Perhaps you will lose interest in some things. Let’s not kid ourselves. This connection will become the defining feature in your life. Nevertheless, that presence will cushion you from letting basic human desires, which are never fulfilled, overshadow your experience of the galactic beyond. Human fulfillment comes through human spiritual achievement. If there is a drawback to attracting the attention of the Galactic Mind to you, it is that interest in human spiritual development dissipates. It doesn’t matter. Your life, however advanced it becomes in human or galactic terms, has never been about you. It might be easy to forget that all life as we know it is the product of the self-exploration of our galactic being. You are a means to an end that is not about you.
15. I remember them sincerely who enable
human beings to cognize cosmic space.
As you proceed through this program, you will become more aware of the fact that words are a futile means of expressing the galactic realities. Even the word “galactic” is a veil with which I am making this presentation more accessible. Words have already failed. What comes of these words will be determined by the degree of commitment you apply to the experiences that will unfold should you continue with what you have done so far. If you are reading this commentary, you have already infused enough of the galactic field into your human energy system to know a few things directly, as cognition. What passes here for commentaries is a mental matrix that will help you in developing your growing capacity for cognition. Otherwise, you would not be reading this.
The Call to the Galactic Self references the deepest mystery about self-existent beings. Ultimately, it is about how galactic beings and the Galactic Self can endure cosmic aloneness.
One can only cognize what it is like to be alone within the cosmic arena. It cannot be explained. Remember that here cosmic does not mean planets, stars, galaxies, and quasars. To be cosmic means to be in contact with the Galactic Field through the intent of the Galactic Mind. The cognition of the aloneness of cosmic status is the most sobering experience you will ever have.
Now that you have reached this level of the program, the time has come for you to understand, at least intellectually, what you will be striving for through its practice. The goal of the program is for you eventually to be transported at sometime during your human existence directly into the galactic field as a self-existent galactic self wrapped in a veil of pure consciousness. The veil of pure consciousness is your human contribution to cosmic life. Right now you are in the process of becoming an embryonic galactic self. Soon the mature Galactic Self will make its transposition into the unknown. On the cosmic level, there are three possibilities for you: one, retain your human form through the regular round of earthplanet plane incarnations until the Galactic Self leaves this plane of existence, after which you and the universe of human perception will gradually dissolve into emptiness; two, merge into the Galactic Self and become part of the matrix it needs for its transposition; three, remain on this plane of cosmic existence as a new Galactic Self in the aloneness of pure existence, engaging your own galactic field as your preparation for transposition into the unknown.
16. I remember them sincerely who sustain self-existence
within the mystery of living love.
The mystery of what has been said here is unfathomable. You will have to verify it for yourself through acts of cognition. The deepest aspect of this mystery, however, is the subject of this note in the Call to the Galactic Self. In order to understand the nature of love as the word is used in this commentary, you will have to abandon what you know about love through your human experience, except that life without it is intolerable.
Up to this point, what you have been told about galactic beings is that they self-exist, that they are alone, and that they manifest untold numbers of cosmic realities, including what you know as the universe. These manifestations arise out of cosmic necessity. The effect of this necessity generates waves of reality within the self-exploration of a galactic being; in other words, within the formless reality of pure existence beings, there is “movement.” It is the first wave of this movement that concerns us here.
The first wave of reality manifesting out of a galactic being is that which “looks back” at the galactic being and sends waves of “love” into it. I call this condition of a galactic being “living love.” Living love is eternally present. No galactic being can tolerate what it is without taking care of itself through living love.
Living love is the first vibration of knowing. It is the galactic being looking back on itself while simultaneously knowing where it has come from. This is how the galactic being knows what it is. This is how it tolerates being what it is. At this point, words fail even more catastrophically than in any other part of these commentaries. I can only explain it with the words I have, but understand the futility with which I am now writing.
When living love “gazes” upon the galactic being, it “feels” an utter and absolute cognition of beauty. It can never! never! not be totally absorbed in that cognition. Love flows within the galactic being through this eternal adoration, and out of this adoration arise all of the original qualities that underline all manifestations of a galactic being. Worlds, stars, galaxies, and their underlying spiritual conditions originate within this singular “event,” which sends streams of Hidden Dragon energy into the matrix of its eternal questioning. Like infinite petals unfolding in a flower, a galactic being becomes what it is. Living love and the galactic being are the same. Self-existence is no less self-existence through the reality of living love.
Throughout all eternity and with the infinite energy of Hidden Dragon bursting through all boundaries in order to express more, infinite galactic beings exist in this way. There is no “before”; there is no “after.” This is the way it always is.
17. I remember them sincerely who are the truth
of living love and consciousness remembering.
Here you are, a mortal being, living a life that had a beginning and maybe one day will have an end. You see death all around. You think about it. You also avoid thinking about it. You live an object-oriented existence, “leaning” on all sorts of things in order to know what you are, including a body, which may die. Things come, things go, yet you go on. Is your past included in what you are? Is your past still going on? What do you remember?
During a substance-assisted journey in my youth, I found myself “remembering” the moment just following the union of the egg and sperm that was the beginning of my life. How is that possible? If your answer is that the experience was purely a product of the ingested substance and, therefore not real, then you will have a difficult time accepting what is to follow. I know the experience is real because I knew myself in it.
I do not know to what degree you have struggled with the reality this program stirs. It is so far out there that you can easily have made all this an exercise for the mind. Unless you have had some experience or cognition by now, you can accept or dismiss what appears here solely out of your intellectual predilections. I doubt seriously you would be reading this if something of this reality were not carrying you on.
The substance of the program to this point has addressed the question, “What is real?”; now I ask you, “What do you remember?” Remembering is tricky business. There are things we remember, things we can’t remember, and things we don’t want to remember. In our personal lives, memory plays a vital role in how we act. Scientists in various fields say that within our bodies and minds are the unremembered histories of our human evolution as well as archetypes of the collective consciousness of the race. There are those who say they have remembered parts of these histories. I take them at their word. I have had experiences along these lines and have chosen to move on.
Your consciousness has the capacity to remember. To remember your birth or pre-birth states is remarkable in human terms. Most have no such memories. What this note in the Call to the Galactic Self stirs is your capacity to “remember” your origin within the galactic field. The previous note in the call brought you to the reality of living love. In this context, remembering does not involve a past. The galactic field is eternal; it is here now. Galactic beings are manifesting infinite realities without end. You are a product of processes that are ongoing within a single galactic being, which is continually managing the Hidden Dragon energy that keeps you and everything else going—now. In other words, you have a direct link into the truth of pure existence as your original condition.
I have referred to such realizations as cognitions. Now I would like you to consider cognitions as acts of memory. Your consciousness can remember what you are in the galactic field where there is no consciousness. You can complete a cosmic loop by remembering with your consciousness that you are an expression of a galactic being. When consciousness returns to its source, you are it and it is you. This is self-existence. There is nothing outside of self-existence. It only seems that way within a human, object-oriented life. Remember what generated your consciousness—the galactic being. You can’t not be what that is.
As your consciousness merges more deeply into the galactic field and you “remember” your origin within that field, deeper cognitions will emerge. You will know the role of human existence. You will know the limitations of human existence. You will know the responsibilities of cosmic life.
18. I remember them sincerely who sustain
human beings as they enter cosmic life.
Human beings have a role to play in the transposition of the Galactic Self onto a higher plane of existence. Human beings have no other value than that. However, that value is so great as to generate the intense interest of the Galactic Mind. Few human beings will attain the levels of self-knowledge that are unfolding here. It doesn’t matter. The Galactic Self only needs what it needs.
It is impossible to know what that measure is. It is impossible to know what the whole of human existence has contributed to that process. It doesn’t matter. There is no need to know. Individual human beings, however, are vital to the approaching galactic transposition.
All of the realities generated by galactic beings are explorations by the Galactic Self into what it is. “When” it transposed onto this galactic plane, it had no consciousness and, therefore, no idea what it “was.” Each being within all that arises out of the work of galactic beings is a probe into this mystery. As worlds unfolded and conscious beings appeared on the galactic scene, the Galactic Self took on a penumbra of consciousness, which, when projected upon the emerging realities of the galactic body, became the Galactic Mind.
As the Galactic Self entered this galactic plane, it was in danger of expanding to infinity instantaneously. The unrelenting, unconscious power of Hidden Dragon, respects no boundaries. Therefore, by necessity, galactic beings, which “sub-exist” on every galactic plane as seed-realities, began generating life forms. These life forms acted first as a restraint upon the threatened infinite expansion of the Galactic Self; once the Galactic Self was in place, an attention emerged so that it could engage what was emerging out of the galactic beings. Its evolution generated the Galactic Mind, which then took on the intent that is the substance of the galactic plane it occupies.
The process by which the Galactic Self becomes prepared for its transposition is coming to a close. Each human life, no matter how good or evil it was, has supplied much needed “information” about its reality. In the last stage of this process, the Galactic Mind is sending pieces of itself into individuals living on earthplanet plane. I refer to these events as incursions. This piece of the Galactic Mind explores the life it has entered and steers it into readiness for membership in galactic life. For me this process began in 1999 and continues to this day. Without that presence, this program would not exist.
There is another experience by which human consciousness can merge with the Galactic Mind. I call that experience excursion. Without forewarning, the Galactic Mind can sweep you out of your personal consciousness and join you to its point of view. In this union, you know everything. It is rather like standing at the very front of a large ship. You “see” the emptiness ahead while behind you is the infinite detail with which the Galactic Mind works. You are not allowed to turn around, of course, because human consciousness can no more take on the Galactic Mind than an amoeba can cognize a galaxy.
There may be other means of experiencing this union; I only know these two. Limits are no problem for me, though. I can barely handle what I’ve got. I am just grateful to be what I am, never mind what I am becoming.
19. I remember them sincerely who manifest
human love as an offering to the cosmos.
We have come now to the final note in the Call to the Galactic Self. The song is complete with knowledge of the cosmic possibilities within the human heart.
The value of human love cannot be underestimated. The main purpose of the Galactic Mind entering a human being is to discover the nature of love in special circumstances. Dimensions of human love can reach unfathomable levels. It usually begins with physical and emotional attractions and develops into a union of two beings at levels beyond body, mind, and emotion. Fortunate are those human beings who can attain these levels of love.
When the Galactic Mind enters a human being, it is looking to implant within a human heart living love, which is the capacity of a galactic being to know itself. The necessity of living love applies also to the Galactic Self. In the Galactic Field, living love does not know what it is because it cannot “act out” its nature. It is what it is. Its galactic value is to send an eternal stream of love into a galactic being without ceasing to be the galactic being. That love is the mystery of pure existence. Within the human race, there is the opportunity for living love to live in human form and to know what it is as others respond to it.
Living love is beyond human love. They are not the same. Human love originates in the sub-galactic field I refer to as earthplanet plane. Living love is galactic. It never leaves the galactic plane. When the Galactic Mind enters your life, it can have many different purposes, but the most desired result of such an incursion is to know what living love is. It is the final piece of experience which it needs to complete its sojourn on this plane of pure existence.
Once the Galactic Mind enters your life, that’s it. You are a galactic being “living” within the veils of earthplanet life. You as a human being have offered yourself to this greater beyond. What you have wanted as a human being to that point, even as desires continue to occupy your thoughts, is overshadowed by the needs of the Galactic Mind. Your human life will feel like crumbs floating in a sea of emptiness.
This kind of union occurs on the galactic plane of existence, but in order for it to happen to you, you have to want it and agree to have this influence overthrow the matrix of your present incarnation as a human being. To put it simply—if you want this, you have to be prepared to give up layers of illusion out of which you currently live and which will, otherwise, carry you blindly to your death. It is a sacrifice of everything you know for a reality you cannot see or understand. You know it only through cognitions generated for you by the Galactic Mind, which will organize your life so that more of living love can be revealed.
Human existence has its place in the greater whole of galactic life. Once that role is complete, there is no further need for it. Although many human beings have placed their faith in a god that will relieve them of their suffering (it’s there for the taking if you want it), that reality, too, will dissolve as the Galactic Self makes its transposition.
When the human race lies dead on the field of battle and the Galactic Self has harvested what it needs, there will be no cosmic records for what has passed. No memories, no glories, no acknowledgements—it will be as if the human race had never existed. Should it be otherwise? Such are the realities of cosmic life. Only what is real endures.
What are the main points here? Are you ready to continue with the practice? There is much more to come in this program, much more than you can imagine even after these five lessons. At least by now you should have made your decision. Is this material true? Or is it real. If you decide it is true, what more can you do with it after lesson five? If you decide it is real, what could hold you back?
You may have already looked ahead, but I would advise taking each lesson as it comes. There is tremendous energy in this material, and you have to learn to manage it well, or you will feel uncomfortable and put it away when judicial use of it will allow you to continue. As I say on the cover page of this course, you are on your own. Whatever you do counts cosmically as well as personally.