Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lesson 3 Verses 1-7 with Commentary

Call to the Galactic Self
Verses 1-7 with Commentary

he following statements are like notes played on a musical instrument. Together you might call them a song. Each “note” is alive, but just as fish can live only in water, these notes can live only in the formless galactic field. As you chant the call, ripples of your being pass into the galactic field. They don’t have far to travel. Remember, there is no place where the galactic field is not.   

As the call achieves a greater amplitude through practice, the attention of the Galactic Mind, which is the consciousness of the Galactic Self, [see Glossary] will be drawn to you. The purpose of the commentaries is to saturate your mind with the galactic field so that the call will have greater clarity and amplitude.

 “Them” in the verses of the call are mysterious beings who are intimate with the galactic field. I call them the buddhas of pure existence. Of them nothing more can be said.

1.      I remember them sincerely who reveal
the truth within its own refuge.

All of these statements begin with the phrase “I remember them sincerely.” It acknowledges that self-existent galactic beings are the foundation for all life in the galactic field, including us, and that to them our gratitude is due.  They are the DNA of the galactic field.

The reality of the Galactic Self is unmanageable by the human mind. Reality requires a veil between the conscious being who approaches the field and the reality of the field itself. Galactic beings alone can self-exist without a veil. Existing without a veil is what defines them. They are discrete increments of pure existence.

 A galactic being is not conscious of itself; yet it knows what it is. It has no capacity to self-mirror itself; it is naked to itself. A human mind will never understand with its consciousness what a  galactic being knows as itself. The only refuge of a galactic being is the truth of its existence.

2.      I remember them sincerely
           who sustain all conscious beings.

Consciousness is a product of life in the galactic body of living beings. Consciousness is the great gift of being human. It is part of what we offer to the galactic body. What galactic beings know is too elemental to sustain consciousness and as increments of pure existence too naked to consciously bear. Without their explorations of their pure existence condition, there would be no life at all and no manifest forms to constitute a galactic body. Nor would there be conscious beings.

3.      I remember them sincerely
 who pacify the existential dilemma.

Two major events occur as you engage the galactic field  and draw upon you the attention of the Galactic Mind. First, you begin to question your life in terms of the bare fact of your existence. You don’t ask why you exist; you are astonished by the fact that you do exist and that anything exists. Second, you need some protection against a prolonged cognition of that level of reality. The moment you cognize the state of “I exist!”, you are temporarily a galactic being. With that status you are a member of the host of galactic beings within the field. The difference between you and them at this point is that they have existed in that field for eternity, and you have just popped in. And you have a consciousness; they don’t. Thus, unprotected contact with the field is dangerous for you. Being what they are, galactic beings don’t care about you, but the Galactic Mind does. The Galactic Mind oversees the totality of all that manifests out of the investigations of galactic beings within the field.

Galactic beings have inherent in their reality the capacity to “pacify” the truth of their existence. You don’t. Special veils are provided for you by the Galactic Mind that are different in substance than the dense human veils of mind, body, and sense, which protect you now from the field, which is omnipresent. The galactic veils are more diaphanous because they are calibrated to gradually allow more contact with the galactic field. Of course, at this point, you do not know that you want to make that connection.

Galactic beings have no veils but can pacify their knowledge of themselves as singularities simply by not being conscious. If you want to explore contact with the galactic field, you will need help that can only be provided by the Galactic Mind.  

4.      I remember them sincerely who
     self-exist without self-reference.

On earthplanet plane, which is a multi-dimensional sub-plane within the galactic field, the highest realization comes when you know all things as the Self. This is a state of self-reference or self-realization of which the Self is conscious. The Self is the knower of its distinct sphere of perception. It realizes that all objects, including thoughts, feelings, physicality, and the sensory field extending to infinity are projections by the Self upon undifferentiated consciousness.

Galactic beings have neither consciousness nor objects of experience; thus there can be no self-reference in their way of knowing. They do, however, self-exist. Self-existence is the primal cognition of a galactic being. It is a condition with no veils. As it eternally folds into itself in order to explore its condition, it generates waves of cosmic intelligence, which manifest (to use the astronomy metaphor again) galaxies, stars, planets as well as things which human consciousness cannot conceive. Literally, infinite possibilities arise out of these movements of self-existence within the field. If you understand all that, then you are ready for the stark truth:

All you know of the universe, from densely manifest objects, like us, to the highest heavens, from the smallest subatomic particles to the billions of galaxies, and everything in between is the product of one galactic being exploring itself within the galactic field. There are unlimited numbers of galactic beings doing their thing. Supreme within the galactic field is the Galactic Mind, which has the pure existence Galactic Self as its core. Beyond that are mega-galactic cosmic planes unknown. If you have been wondering where God fits into all of this, I hope you can now put that question to rest.

5.      I remember them sincerely who sustain galactic
                    life through eternal self-knowing.

The galactic field is the condition of self-existence. Galactic beings are like the DNA of the galactic field. Only self-existent galactic beings can dwell there, and through their dwelling there, the galactic field arises. If you contemplate this last sentence, you will touch upon the meaning of self-existence.

In the state of self-existence, there is nothing but it. All forms of life that emerge out of the galactic field stand upon this ultimate condition. Self-knowing, therefore, is transmitted to all manifest universes. This self-knowing is generated through the eternal condition of galactic beings.

The possibility of a human being realizing all things in terms of the Self arises out of this original condition. It is the greatest accomplishment of a human being, other than becoming an offspring Galactic Mind.  

6.      I remember them sincerely who self-exist
without a safe harbor.

There never has been a beginning. It has always been the way it is—infinite this, infinite that, eternal this, eternal that. There never was a creation. There will never be an end. Reality is movement within self-existent beings in the galactic field that are required for the Galactic Self’s elevation from where it is now onto the next cosmic plane of existence. Those movements within the galactic body we call life. Life as human beings has a beginning and an end, but on the cosmic planes there are no such boundaries. The consciousness of the Galactic Mind, the gaining of which is its evolution, reveals to it the great unknown that lies beyond. Its consciousness of that beyond is its readiness to move on. And it is ready; otherwise, it would not be sending me this material to write.

Self-existent beings are real beings. Sub-galactic beings, like us, are not “real” beings because they do not self-exist. They know themselves through objects of experience. In other words, they have a “safe harbor,” which is something other than one’s self to lean on. Human beings “lean” on each other in numerous ways: through feelings, ideas, nurturance, desires, goals, etc., anything upon which one can project one’s self for self-knowledge. Human beings also “lean” on their thoughts, feelings, physicality, and a world view.

Galactic beings self-exist. They have no safe harbor. They cannot know something outside of what they are. They have nothing to lean on. This situation does not matter to them because they have no consciousness. They know what they are because they cannot be anything else. They are real beings. As conscious beings we honor them for this.

The Galactic Mind, however, through manifestations by the galactic beings within its field, consciously knows that it self-exists. Through the Galactic Mind, the Galactic Self knows that it self-exists. This condition is possible only on the cosmic planes; it is an attainment of such magnitude that only the Galactic Mind can engage it. Even though the Galactic Mind has within its galactic body innumerable manifestations of life, it cannot lean on any of them because they do not occupy its plane of  existence. To it, therefore, manifestations within its galactic body are not real. The conscious Galactic Mind is alone within itself. It manages an aloneness that would drive any human being mad. That ability is its grandeur. As it faces the unknown with consciousness, the Galactic Self has no safe harbor.

7.      I remember them sincerely who sustain
             self-knowledge as the basis of pure existence.

Self-knowledge is the primordial condition. In these commentaries, I have laid out two forms of self-knowledge. One is the self-existent knowledge of galactic beings. They exist alone within themselves and know what they are in a way conscious beings cannot know. From them arise universes upon universes of life, which ultimately generate consciousness. The self-knowledge of galactic beings is the  primordial imprint upon all that arises out of its ongoing self-exploration.

The second form of self-knowledge arises within conscious beings. Human self-realization is the cognition that all aspects of one’s experience are expressions of the Self, which is what it is by virtue of the galactic being out of which we have become manifest. Knowledge of the Self is available only in the human form. We honor galactic beings for providing their self-existence as a matrix suitable for human Self-realization.