8. I remember them sincerely who know infinity before it becomes bounded.
Galactic beings self-exist. They exist eternally exploring their conditions to infinite depths. What they do is unfathomable. We only see the products of what they do in the condition we call life, and what we see as human beings is relatively nothing.
The DNA-like nature of a galactic being is like infinite questions drawing upon infinite energies for answers. Answers arise out of the galactic field in the form of worlds, universes, cosmoses, and things more than that. The infinite energies contain all possibilities. They are all possible forms of life. The infinite power behind infinite energy wants to express infinite things all at once. I refer to this infinite energy as Hidden Dragon. Its absolute energetic stance is to say “Yes!” to everything. Thus life arises not only as answers to eternally arising questions within the galactic field but also as constraints upon Hidden Dragon itself, which, without those constraints would instantly express all things into infinity, which, of course, would be cosmic madness. Questions generate untold universes for answers; however, the nature of a question puts boundaries around the Hidden Dragon energy. This process is the forever ongoingness of everything.
9. I remember them sincerely who endure the impossibility
of all knowledge becoming.
of all knowledge becoming.
A galactic being has an eternal existential dilemma to deal with. It must manage a portion of Hidden Dragon energy for its ongoing exploration of itself. For example, within its exploration a “question” will arise. Hidden Dragon responds instantly by manifesting “answers” to that question in the form of specific possibilities of life. Through its “question,” the galactic being must place limits upon what Hidden Dragon will manifest; otherwise, Hidden Dragon, which eschews all boundaries unless successfully managed, will overcome the galactic being. Self-existence, therefore, “struggles” with balancing expression and containment. Without successful containment, whatever Hidden Dragon manifests will simply self-destruct. Even when successfully managed, however, Hidden Dragon eventually prevails. There are no absolute answers, only infinite possibilities arising out of Hidden Dragon, and it has no reason for manifesting other than that it does. There is no goal, no purpose, no perfection.
Without successful containment of Hidden Dragon in your life, you will self-destruct too. Each individual human life is a small piece of galactic possibilities become specific in you. Spiritual life for human beings is about gradually releasing Hidden Dragon energy into individual lives so that each person has a greater knowledge of the possibilities available.
Because of the structure of the human matrix and the possibilities contained within the galactic being which has manifested it, only certain possibilities exist. All life forms manifested on the galactic or sub-galactic levels is about Hidden Dragon containment.
The Galactic Mind makes sure everything is kept in balance. That is what it is learning. It operates on a higher plane of existence than the galactic beings operating within its field and draws upon the work of the galactic beings in order to fulfill its mission, which is to become a conscious galactic being at its level. Remember, only the Galactic Self evolves and moves to continually higher planes of existence, which I have been referring to as mega-galactic planes.
The Galactic Mind is the consciousness of the Galactic Self. It knows everything going on within the Galactic Field. This consciousness has been generated through the self-exploration of galactic beings and the life forms that have arisen out of their questionings. When the Galactic Self has gained sufficient consciousness, it will be ready to move forward out of its current plane of existence into the beyond. The Galactic Mind knows that Hidden Dragon can manifest infinite possibilities. It knows, too, that no matter what existential plane it may occupy, the totality of Hidden Dragon can never be known.
10. I remember them sincerely who enable
consciousness to engage pure existence.
So here is what it comes down to. You have consciousness; the galactic field is composed of non-conscious galactic beings, who manifest endless realities, including you. In your consciousness, realization of the Self in all things is available to you through human spiritual advancement. Also available to human beings, at least to those invited to know, is engagement of the galactic field and cognition of the kind of knowledge that is appearing in this program. The major piece of knowledge derived from such contact is the realization that consciousness, in your case specifically yours, is the primary commodity that has value to the Galactic Mind. Those who do not realize their value in this context, even the “enlightened” ones, crawl in darkness under mountains of ignorance.
11. I remember them sincerely who sustain
self-knowledge in the solitude of self-existence.
What is going on “in” a galactic being as it manifests dream worlds out of its self-existent condition? Only Hidden Dragon can deal with such a question, which only a conscious being could ask. Not even a galactic being knows such a process. All it knows is that it exists.
The Galactic Mind knows that such a question is pointless because as long as the galactic beings’ efforts keep generating the consciousness it needs, it will focus on its management of Hidden Dragon in order to move on. Galactic beings sustain self-existence as untold worlds and universes manifest out of their self-explorations. However it may be, it cannot be otherwise.
12. I remember them sincerely who sustain unboundedness
in the midst of life processes.
in the midst of life processes.
In the exegesis of the call to the Galactic Self, I have focused on galactic beings, the galactic field, the Galactic Mind and the Galactic Self. I have made only passing reference to human beings. The relevance of human beings in such a large context could easily seem irrelevant. It is not. We cannot know the issue with which our galactic being is engaged; however, we should acknowledge the capacity of the human being to sustain experiences of unbounded consciousness, even if very few human beings have known what it is.
In its self-explorations, our galactic being has made this experience possible. One of the purposes of these verbal explorations is to transmit that sense to you. As the mind tries to embrace what is said here, it inevitably faces the reality of infinity as opposed to the concept. The experience of unboundedness can occur to anyone anytime. The issue for you is whether you will recognize unboundedness for what it is and how long your mind will be able to sustain contact with it. When you have such an experience, gratitude to our galactic being is appropriate.
13. I remember them sincerely who engender the astonishment
of conscious self-existence.
of conscious self-existence.
What is the contribution of the human being to the Galactic Mind? What situation limits human possibilities? What are the two major gifts made possible to human beings through the eternal explorations of our galactic being?