As you read further, be aware of the energy that may enter your body and mind. Even though this material is divided into lessons, the real lesson divisions are the defined by your comfort level in engaging it.
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he only way to verify the existence of these higher dimensions of life is to experience them. Intellectual understanding, though helpful, cannot generate the experience of knowing oneself as the center of a sphere of perception in which the world and universe are projections of energy upon a field of undifferentiated consciousness—your consciousness. One cannot look at the world and just say, “Oh yes, I can see how that can be so.” Experiences of higher states of existence I call “cognitions,” as opposed to understanding, which is based upon the limitations of “thinking.” A simple aphorism summarizes this point: Cognition is knowing; thinking is confusion. Cognitions can last a split second, seconds, minutes, hours, days, or a lifetime. If you have one, you know something no mental construct can overturn. Cognition is a quality of knowing that registers on the mind (one knows one has had it), but it is not of the mind. A cognition is real knowledge.
Human Destiny
The search for human freedom and fulfillment, despite the presence of religion, art, techniques of human transformation, and democracy has come to a dead end. They are not real. From the distress that continues to plague humankind, it is obvious that no human effort can claim to have brought us closer to our highest human goals of freedom, peace, and happiness. It is easy to be pessimistic about the destiny of the race.
Nevertheless, there are a growing number of people who stepped out of that world and have had experiences of higher states of existence. A few have public faces; but most, like myself, have no public identity at all. Nobody knows what the score is except that many who have had these experiences believe that the world is approaching a dramatic transformation. More on that later. This lesson will provide a convenient cosmology with which the mind might engage the experiential material in this program.
In your life can you distinguish between thoughts of higher states of consciousness/existence and genuine experience? If so, think back to the experiences that led you to realize the distinction.
A Convenient Cosmology
The verbal representation of this program is “The Galactic Self.” In order to pacify your mind’s need to understand, I must give you a kind of spiritual cosmology so that you will know “where” the Galactic Self is and what it is about. Since intellectual cosmologies inherently cannot translate understanding into reality, the cosmology I am giving here is very simplistic. My purpose in presenting a simple cosmology is to give your mind a frame work for engaging the experiential parts of the program. This cosmology, too, is a mental construct. I keep it simple because there is less to discard when real experience dawns. By the way, just so you will know at the outset, the Galactic Self has nothing to do with the galaxies studied in astronomy
A human being has a body, a mind, and emotions. This statement is obvious. Less obvious is the belief that there is a soul, a Self, and a spirit. I will give definitions of the last three elements as a starter. You will find other definitions in other writings. That’s fine. It doesn’t matter. These are the ones that will help us contact the galactic field:
The soul is goodness with the specific intent to influence the path of your personal life (body, mind, emotions) so that you can fulfill your purpose for being here. It works hard to overcome the dense beliefs, desires, and sensations of the personality. The soul is also connected to a very large matrix of higher souls called oversouls. A friend of mine refers to this structure and the energies that arise out of it as the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. In this consciousness, there is a God, many higher souls and other beings, many races within and beyond the earth, a hierarchy of ascended masters, extraterrestrial intelligence, and a large array of other civilizations. This reality is based upon the ability of the mind to have subtle perceptions and accessible guidance. It prophesizes the evolution of the human race into an advanced state.
The Self is a “piece” of formless reality that transcends the soul and its oversoul matrix. Ordinarily we think of the “self” as the personality or ego: myself, herself, them, etc. The Self in this context is a reservoir of infinite intelligence, bliss, and a sense of the absolute reality. Identification with the Self and the bliss of its nature overcomes any influence generated by the personal or soul levels of life. This understanding of the Self arises mostly out of eastern religions. Western religions focus on the “soul” level of human potential. I know that is a sweeping generalization, but there is enough truth in it to warrant the statement.
We need a few more words on the Self because what will be said here will help us when reaching out to the galactic levels of existence. This Self is absolute; it cannot be subdivided. It is not linked to any aspect of relative life, including anything in the universe. The Self “self-exists,” that is, it knows itself without needing anything in the relative dimensions of life to define it. It needs nothing in order to be what it is. Only the Self knows the Self. When the influence of the Self extends into the mind, feelings, and sensory experience, then all that is experienced by such a human being is the Self. This experience is the pinnacle of human potential, the end of personal evolution. Self is a piece of the formless ocean of spirit. In this state of realization, an afterlife is irrelevant.
Spirit is the ocean of being. The Self is a “piece” of this ocean and carries with it the same unboundedness as the spirit. Here the drop and the ocean are the same.
These descriptions of the soul, Self, and spirit are not definitive. They are, however, useful. Here are four statements that help identify these conditions:
The personality says, “I am alive. I need to satisfy my desires.”
The soul says to the personality, “Love God and be a part of His plan.”
The Self says to itself, “I am free. The world is mere perception.”
The spirit says nothing. It just is.
These realities I call collectively earthplanet plane. The human being, who is a creature of the earthplanet environment, has available to it each of these dimensions. The galactic plane is of a whole other order. It is the the genuinely cosmic plane where real events occur.
The Galactic Self
The Galactic Self says, “I exist.” This declaration is different from “I am,” which affirms the human-based ecstasy of being alive.
The Galactic Self has no definition other than being “it.” It is a discrete quantum of pure existence. There are likely others in higher cosmic planes but not in this one.
There are many subordinate galactic beings within the galactic field. They explore the reality of the pure existence field in many, many dimensions. It is possible to experience this field through this program, but no human being can dwell in this field for any length of time and retain its human matrix. Only on galactic and meta-galactic levels do real beings exist. What we call life and what may qualify for life within the galactic body are products of the existence of the Galactic Self. One may leave a planetary body to visit another; one may leave a solar body to visit another. The Galactic Self is the real being because it cannot visit another Galactic Self. It is a real being and its activities alone are real.
In the same sense, you belong to a particular earthplanet body as well as a solar body. You do not belong to any other planetary or solar body. The galactic field, however, permeates everything. It is everywhere. It is closer to you than anything you can imagine. It is closer to you than your body, your mind, your soul, the entire matrix of oversoul beings, the Self, spirit, and God. Therefore, when you contact the Galactic Self, you are not going anywhere. It’s already here. You need only to pluck the strings of your consciousness in order to contact it. Only through contact with the Galactic Self will you truly lead a cosmic life. Only through contact with the Galactic Self, will you begin to find answers. In his television production entitled Cosmos, Carl Sagan said, “If you want to know what the inside of a black hole is like, just look around.” Same principle here. Don’t forget the Glossary, if you wish clarification on any of these terms.
So now we come to the end of the astronomy metaphor. It has served us well, but we need to turn to another way of laying out the intellectual foundation of what you will be engaging experientially.
Astronomers have shown us that there are billions of galaxies beyond our own. Beyond the Galactic Self of which I speak, there is only the unknown.
The Galactic Self evolves. In fact, it is the only being within its field that does evolve. It is the real being of the field. The rest of the galactic body and all its diverse life forms are instruments of that evolution. It is not an I, not a you, not a he or a she. When it is ready to move on to one of the mega-galactic planes, which are completely unknown to it but are implied by waves of cosmic energy passing through it, the body of galactic life it has sustained will dissolve, freeing the Galactic Self to leave wherever it is and transpose itself to wherever it is going. You will or will not be a part of that cosmic event.
Value of Engaging the Galactic Self
Now we come to the big question: Why would you want to call out to the Galactic Self? You must accept, first, that engaging this work will not help you work out your personal problems. It will not fix your physical body, untangle your emotions, or adjust your personal predilections. The Galactic Self will not seek to maximize your human potential. There are many opportunities to address these personal issues through professional help, teachings, and institutional programs. Contacting the Galactic Self has nothing to do with you as an individual. The purpose of this call is to open something inside you that will enable you to touch the truth, know reality, and gain cosmic status. Nevertheless, despite personal strengths and weaknesses, you will feel a profound satisfaction that your life has come to this. You will know that everything is fine, and you will be grateful. You will be fulfilled in a way no human experience can begin to approach.
What is the Galactic Self?
Why are its activities alone real?
Where does the Galactic Self dwell?
Where is the galactic field?
How do human beings fit into this scenario?