Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lesson 10 Fulfillment of the Human Race

This narrative is part of a larger work. Nevertheless, it stands on its own as a version of human destiny. Although I have used deities from the Hindu pantheon as participants in this narrative, I could have used any number of religious figures to process what I was seeing. The presentation here works for me because it allows me to incorporated many facets within an extended cosmic process. Adrian  and Abby are the main characters of the novel and have reached this point in their existence after passing through many other experiences, which needn't be related here. Enjoy.  

The mist was lifting over the field. Thousands of cars lay on the side of the highway that extended for miles eastward over the pass beyond the city. The sun rose behind Adrian and Abby and came through their green 
tent as a healing peace.

All around them and throughout the world, huge, monstrous beings were being extracted from the earth by a powerful, invisible force. Sometimes, these hideous forms filled the sky and shadowed out the sun. This event had been going on for days, and all those who had been watching it were reeling in the sensations that were ripping through their minds and bodies. As the pain continued, however, the human hosts for these demons were becoming lighter and feeling places inside them that they never knew existed.

Abby and Adrian had journeyed to this field through one of the abandoned cars, which had now merged into the anonymity of a lost era and would never be needed again. Collectively, the cars looked like the shells of dead cicadas attached to trees on a hot summer day in the south. Adrian marveled at how his mind was drawing on past experiences to generate meaning. He smiled to himself as he felt his thoughts becoming more poetic, relying no longer on pedestrian or abstract language but more on his mind’s capacity to make metaphors and symbols out of sensory objects.

When he turned to Abby and saw her silhouetted by the sun rising through the tent wall behind her, he transformed her disheveled hair into the tree of life bending from the mythic past of its origin into the purity of her heart. He could see the bounty of her being. She was engendering the flood of love that would heal the world from the trauma of its purification. Her beauty alone would transform the earth from a dying animal into an angelic being within a greater life beyond, which this mass of people were about to discover.

“You are more alive than dreams,” he said to her. He smiled as she took in his new verbal music. With her hands she made a cursory effort to smooth out her hair. “You remind me of Helen, he continued, “’the face that launched a thousand ships’.”

As he continued to bathe in the image of Abby collecting herself from whatever nocturnal journey she had been on,  Adrian found all the beautiful thoughts and feelings that had been overshadowed in him before the demons left his mind. He knew he could speak to her now in a brand new language consisting of images and quotations from long dead poets and philosophers, who lived on through their perpetuation of beauty and joy.

He wondered whether Abby would laugh at him as he translated Shakespeare’s music into daily conversation. He even thought that he could write new Shakespearean plays or write a new Ramayana, the ancient Indian epic, by tapping into the ascending world consciousness, which was reveling in the beauty that the human race had created over the eons just for their pure enjoyment at this moment. Despite all the horror that the world had endured, not only owing to the distortions within the human condition but also owing to the mere fact of mortality, there was no end to the possible joys that were now bursting into their lives. Every thought was a “darling bud of May.”

Looking around him, Adrian assumed that the thousands of people who had fled in horror from the city were awaking to all the goodness inside of them. Who out there was composing new Beethoven or Mozart, or new Beatles? Who was choreographing new dances, designing new buildings and new gardens? Who was painting new Michelangelo? Who out there was gleaning new possibilities for multi-dimensional relationships? Who was realizing how children could be raised in only a few years through direct infusions of all the good things human beings had ever known and new things that were arising out of the creative fount that was the sun itself? In front of him and all around him, Adrian was seeing the resurrection of the human race into something more marvelous than any poet or prophet could ever have dreamed. Homo universalis was finally here.

New creation, Adrian thought. But how can there be creation if there has been no beginning? Upon what platform do I stand to know this?

In the silence between these thoughts, Adrian felt himself poised within the motion of a cosmic pendulum, swinging eternally between the cry of “what?” as it turns within itself in the emptiness, and the ecstatic eruption of “what?” as it expands eternally within an infinitude of things that are equally nothing.
The lights in the night sky seem to move, but they do not; yet they move in ways I cannot see. If I put my finger in the sky and feel the stars, will they tell me who they are? Will I be able to sense their motion, turn in the cosmic void as a piece of majesty pin wheeling beyond the earth? Shall I lift off the world like a cloud collecting itself drop by drop from the sleepy grass? As a thousand million new possibilities lit up his brain like the sun, Adrian could not imagine enough worlds to bind them into living things.

I must find my peace in this, Adrian thought. I am no longer a human being if I cannot live in a space as small as a meadow or mountain. Beneath my body, this new world stirs with the ecstasy of its liberation. I am part of that liberation, but I am also part of that liberation which must be free of the new human race, even as it enjoys its life beyond the former earth.

I am a fragment of the sun, which is the fragment of a greater sun, and a greater sun, which are fragments of a greater being beyond that toils within the folds of the fire of life. From within this well of seeing, knowing and doing, I, a human being, must make a stand. Either I toil alone eternally within the fires of pure existence as an it-being of that domain, or I roam through the life of this cosmos in search of an impossible peace, or I remain in the well of this solar heart and offer whatever love I can as it prepares to meet its destiny. There is no final place or peace, but I feel the sun on my face and see the mountains and the great white gods floating through the sky and feel gratitude that such beauty is afforded me as I face a destiny as unknown to me as the solar lord’s destiny is unknown to it.  

The clouds spreading across the sky are alive, Adrian thought. He watched as they sent waves of light into this crowd of exulted but confused beings. Men and women hugged each other with joy, and children of all ages found themselves fully liberated from their parents. All were drinking the new life into themselves as an elixir that had been denied them for eons, even before the earth was born. Cries of joy filled the sky as they touched the very essence of their humanity and their source inside the sun.

            Adrian waited to see how far this wave of expansion would proceed. From his seat in front of the tent, he watched people moving together from one to another in a pattern that both sustained their individuality and kept its coherence as a group. As the group shared their particular vibration of joy, first taking one shape, then another, Adrian continued to wait.

He was both moved and indifferent. As grand and exultant as this new human race appeared to him, this vision could not overshadow the vision of Abby walking across the field, a towel thrown over her shoulder, soap and a bottle of cream in her hand, eyes turned in on a truth that had never overwhelmed her. As she approached the tent, she saw Adrian watching the cosmic show.

“How is life, my beloved?” she asked. Adrian laughed as she  passed into the tent.

At the moment she disappeared, Adrian knew to walk around to the back of the tent and face the sun. He occupied a space on the grounds separate from the collective consciousness undergoing its rebirth. As he looked directly into the sun, a film of shadow dropped over his eyes to protect them from the intensity of his vision. A stream of vibrancy entered him through his eyes and started moving his body. He lifted his left leg and held it bent ninety degrees at the knee parallel to the ground. His left arm moved, palm down, to his side parallel to the ground as his right hand, palm up, moved up toward the sun. “Father,” he said. “Father. Ram.”

Then, without moving his body, he felt his head bow. “Ram,” he said. “Father of all. Beloved of all. Source of song and sight, of love and devotion, of truth beyond the ages of ages. I am Thy servant.”

In this vision there was no world, no ecstatic human race, no Abby, only the power of the solar lord, revealing himself to the mortal form of this man. Adrian was now wearing a new life, a single attire among thousands of billions of living garments that were the whole of the human race. This particular attire, however, was the glory of the golden sun. Adrian the human being had his reality, and now as Ram, the perfected One, he was a dance both still and in motion. He was, as well, Hanuman, the monkey warrior, who made war against the dark powers of the earth; he was also Sita, his beloved wife, who nurtured him during his long exile from the human heart.

As Lord Ram lifted his golden head toward the heavens, he saw the dance of Shiva, the eternal One that was nothing in motion, moving in and out of the nothing with perfect equanimity. There. Not there. There. Eternally. The perfect cosmic walk. Existence on one hand, non-existence on the other. Together.

As Ram, standing the on the fields of the earth, Adrian was lord, master of the walk in the world, showerer of beauty, the jewel of jewels, the perfume of flowers, the singer of songs, the host of all joy and happiness for those who knew him and who sent their love from the resurrected world into the heavens. All of nature cried “Ram! Ram!”   

To this human being, now wearing the regal robes of Ram with golden helmet and breast plate, carrying a bow and quiver of arrows—to the grand incarnation of the solar life within the Indian race, to the universality of his solar offspring, participant in the grand dance of Shiva—to him, Adrian as Ram, the solar lord bowed down.  

Ram in mortal form was the truth he had sought to create amongst the manifold possibilities of human existence. The solar lord was pure light; the manifestation of that in Ram was his ecstasy. He could have taken the form of any of the past incarnations of divine life, but at this eternal moment, at this time in the unfolding drama of the human race, this golden warrior was his delight. Through Ram alone could he carry the cosmic reality to the earth plane, a reality that transcended his solar existence and which would ultimately bring the human race to its astonishing culmination.

“Father,” Adrian said. “Father. Ram.” He stood for a few moments as his body took on a stance more natural to him as a human being. Then he turned and walked to the front of the tent and crawled inside to find Abby.

Love on a Lotus
Their communion lasted a thousand years. From the enfolding of their lotus bodies, Adrian and Abby joined completely into the two cosmic currents that were running through the new human race. Outside their tent, as the centuries passed, centuries that were not based on measured time but upon the unfolding of a great race and its civilization, they floated in the ancient nothing. Across the planet, Adrian and Abby absorbed all of the love energy of the race and transmitted it beyond the Solar lord, into the majesty of that which oversaw the preparation of humanity for its destiny.

As Ram and Sita, they melted into each other on the lotus blossom swaying in the solar breeze; in another consciousness inside the tent, Adrian and Abby still played with each other in their personal relationship. They made jokes endlessly about their soft skin, their glowing faces, their slight embarrassment as they played with each other sexually. From their inner resources, they tickled each other with stories of their past and how silly their fears had been. Abby was merciless in her ribbing of Adrian, who had always been a cosmic seeker wanting to abandon the human condition in favor of a reality all the gods shunned as madness. And even though that madness was still a concern, its presence within them, especially Adrian, provided a basis of dark humor, which they both enjoyed. The solar lord was their protection, yet they continued to touch those non-human spaces in order to keep some sobriety within their deteriorating sense of seriousness.

For Adrian and Abby, the tent and the lotus field were the same. From inside the tent, they could play with each other as human beings, whereas on the lotus floating in the solar breeze, they had to maintain a more formal relationship as cosmic lovers transmitting life sustaining energy from the Solar lord to the earth.

The planet of grass and sky existed in a plane below; here, in this mind-generated tent, they were pretending to be human souls participating in the cosmic happiness of humanity. Their play required human forms so that whatever was transmitted to humanity would have a human signature to it. When Adrian played with Abby’s breasts, the human race would suddenly generate thousands of new offspring. These young ones had to learn to manage their physical form and the environment; nevertheless, they were fully developed human beings, capable of extending their consciousness beyond earth into planetary and eventually galactic consciousness. They were all Abby.

At a culminating moment, Abby slipped Adrian’s phallus into her nakedness. As their rocking motion became more animated, they both realized that the world would destroy itself in ecstasy were Adrian to release his energy into her. Such a culmination was not the world’s destiny, they knew. Very quickly, upon this realization, they ceased their play, released each other from their embrace, re-clothed themselves in golden robes, and sat back to back. Within moments, they sank deeply into the solar lord’s meditation.

The Final Revelation
All around the world, which was now purely etheric, human beings ceased their activities. Waves of living silence rolled through them, generating instructions as to the matrix they were to assume in order to receive the first transmission of solar love directly into human consciousness. Up to this moment, the solar lord had communicated its love for humanity through the lotus-love of Adrian and Abby. The return current of love which humanity offered back to the solar lord was passed by Adrian and Abby into the Great Beyond. Nothing was lost within the solar lord’s meditation.

            Now the time had arrived when the human race would have to face the final revelation. Into their minds appeared the solar images of Adrian and Abby as Ram and Sita. Beside them, in full battle regalia, stood Hanuman, the warrior monkey, who was prepared to wage war against any fears that might distort the human condition, which had now evolved into the most precious commodity in the confused cosmos.

The solar lord knew the value of its dream-manifestation of the earth and its offspring realities, but humanity itself, which had been reveling in the continuing joy generated out of each of Abby’s and Adrian’s actions, was oblivious to the cosmic drama within which they were playing the greatest role. But now, all human beings, even those who had been coupling for centuries without cease, collected their energies and sank deep into their individual meditations. The human race was being taken apart, soul by soul, and rearranged into a matrix that satisfied the Greater One Beyond, which was, ultimately, the real being and the being through which all the solar and trans-solar realities existed.  

Into each human mind, the mantra ram entered with a supreme silence emanating from it. Gradually, the sound became clearer and the silence deeper. The solar lord smiled as the vibrational patterns of each human being collected themselves into a single planetary Ram. No human mind could be distracted from this overriding reality. Hanuman, swift as a sun beam, destroyed any fear or distracting thought, while Ram and Sita danced before them and transmitted the final truth of their condition. As some human beings rebelled against what they were receiving, both Hanuman and Sita came to the rescue, not just of those particular souls, but of the whole race, which was now so thoroughly joined that even the slightest disruption in its harmony created dangers throughout the cosmos.

Into their minds, Ram transmitted visions of great galactic lords viewing the fulfillment of the solar lord through its offspring humanity. From these points of view beyond the earth, human souls were gradually able to accept their import within the cosmic glory but also grieved that their role did not include further exploration of what lay beyond their joy and fulfillment.

Galactic lords had failed for cosmic eons to dream forth solar gods capable of generating answers to their cosmic questions. In this culminating moment, they communicated to humanity the real value of human existence and its coming sacrifice. Like childless parents, these lords filled the human race with the pre-earth histories of their cosmic lives, of which the human race had never been aware. What there was of these searches had finally brought them to Ram, who was the agent by which solar love was transmitted to the human race in order that it be transmitted into the Great Beyond. It was this final flow of love directly from the human race into the Great Beyond that was the answer to the question of this cosmos. The galactic lords were receiving their final revelation as well. And as the process of transposition gathered energy, all realized that it was not the great solar lord of this domain that was moving into a higher plane of existence, but that it was the Greater One Beyond, the generator of all planetary and galactic dreams, which was rising on a cosmic tide toward its unknown destiny. The solar lord and the galactic lords knew themselves now as beings no greater than the human race. In fact, without the human race, there would be no resolution to the cosmic longing, of which they were all expressions.

After this transmission, hundreds of thousands of Rams and Sitas and Hanumans roamed the celestial planet earth. Each brought comfort and resolution to every soul’s individual condition. Whatever activities these souls had been engaged in before the global meditation began was brought to fulfillment by the infusion of dream realities into each of them. These souls were able to bring to fruition whatever they had been creating before these devastating but glorious revelations had descended upon them. No ounce of human longing remained unaddressed. Within the cosmic consciousness, Ram, the solar lord, and the galactic lords listened to the music generated by these dream realities and saw the world take on its final form, a form which no being, individual or collective, had seen throughout the cosmos.

Adrian and Abby feel the cosmos shrink. From within their meditations on the lotus light and from the love that continually flows through them into the beyond, they know that they now face the culmination of their existence. In gratitude to the solar lord for his love, and in acknowledgement to the Greater One Beyond, whom they have served as its manifestation into humanity, they draw into themselves the totality of cosmic life. Through this process, all suns, souls, and galaxies return to their primordial condition and become one in the forms of two human beings, Adrian and Abby, who, by virtue of their individual cognitions of the pure existence fire, are the Greater One Beyond.

As they lift off from the fading cosmic flame, they fall into each other with infinite spin, eyes becoming eye, hearts becoming heart, visions becoming emptiness, until love expires. What remains continues its spin back into the maw of the dragon, the fire of life, from which it instantly bursts forth as a new traveler among an infinitude of travelers within the unbounded corridors of pure existence. It as it, it as astonishment, and it as madness urgently become a cosmic question, a mysterious something within which it finds itself lord of many things.